Functionality your rental business needs
Equipment Rental Software Features
As our ethos is to deliver equipment rental software that helps rental companies, we offer a free version of HireHop equipment rental software for small single user businesses, that has limited features. The subscribed version adds more features and scalability as shown below:
In the cloud
HireHop is in the cloud, meaning you don't need to install any software. All you need is access to the internet and any device with a web browser, such as a Windows PC, Apple Mac, tablet or smart phone. Hosted and managed by Amazon AWS, you can rest assured that between ourselves and Amazon, we manage backups, security and maintenance, saving you time and money.
Free customer support
One of our friendly HireHop experts is at hand to help you personally via email or telephone. You can also contact us online by just clicking a link in the pop out help on any page in the software.
Data import & data migration
Easily import data, including stock, assets, address book, test/service records, etc. from spreadsheets or your old software. We can provide you with import templates for imports into HireHop and/or migrations from your old software, all of which can be done for free. *Data import/migration can be done for free so long as the data provided to us is in a clean and importable format.
Unlimited users
You can create as many users as you like, and enable the number of users you have subscribed for.
Create unlimited depots, which can have their own currency, can be synchronised with their own accounting software and can have their own tax codes. You can even create virtual depots, which are sub depots inside another depot for scenarios such as two companies trading from the same address and using the same stock.
Use one of our pre-set languages or create your own translation. Pre-set languages include Afrikaans, Dutch, English (US, UK & AU), Estonian, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish.
Multi-currency ✲
You can set up different currencies for your different depots or have them all working from one currency. Jobs, invoices and purchase orders can have any currency required. You can also create invoices and purchase orders in multiple different currencies within the same job or project. We even give you a quick link to to view the current exchange rate for the appropriate currency conversions.
Live availability grid
Interactive availability which HireHop calculates to the minute. For example, if something is rented until 10:45 on Thursday, from 10:45 on Thursday it is available. Quickly see late items, assets in repair, and availability in other depots. Drill into specific items for detailed information and chart view.
In-depth reporting & analytics
Make use of HireHop's array of ever expanding reports that help give you a deeper insight into your business and help you maximise profit. All reports are interactive and can be exported to CSV or Excel. Various reports include: • Accounting - Analyse data from invoices and purchase orders; track your job performance through costs, profit and margins. • Stock - Track your stock valuation, utlisation and usage, see what assets are on hire in real time and easily monitor what requires a PAT test, service or repair.
File storage
Store files, links and logged notes throughout the system such as on stock, jobs, projects, etc.
Customisable calendar showing jobs, projects, tasks and other scheduling information. Sync your HireHop calendar with a calendar app on your computer, phone or tablet, as well as import calendars into HireHop's calendar view.
Free marketing
Free marketing for your business on high Google ranking websites, making HireHop work for you and drive more business your way. Choose to list items on the free marketplace ( which also recommends your stock to other local HireHop users who are looking to rent them.
History logs
Logs of changes are stored throughout HireHop to track changes made by users, what they changed it from, what they changed it to, and when they did it, keeping you compliant with data laws like GDPR, CCPA or CPRA.
Choose from a range of themes to find the look you prefer that matches your company branding, including dark mode.
User permissions
Set limitations for users such as if or when jobs can be edited, what reports the user can access and whether the user can see prices or not. There are comprehensive permissions for the whole system, and you can even assign multiple users to a permission group.
Home page tiles
Each user can set their own 6 quick tiles on the home page such as Active jobs, Money owing, Uninvoiced, or modules such as Hire stock management or Scan all in.
Each user can have HireHop display in their own language, being - Afrikaans, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish.
Custom fields
Add your own custom fields throughout the system in areas such as Jobs, Projects, Hire stock, Assets, Tests/Services and many more. Custom fields can be of a variety of types including text, drop-down selection, yes/no and more; and can even be set as compulsory if required.
Extra dates
Add as many dates as required to the standard 4 dates on jobs and projects. HireHop can be made to automatically include extra dates to jobs and projects based on what type they are.
Price structures
Choose from template price structures for jobs such as every day, 2 day week, 3 day week, Theatre week, etc. Alternatively, create your own price structures for items.
HireHop's language settings enable you to change any word or phrase throughout the entire system, so if you don't like a word we use use, you can change it.
Create colours that can automatically be applied to jobs when its status changes, or manually apply colours to jobs or projects.
Even though HireHop is in the cloud, it can be fully customised with external plugins written by us, other developers or even by yourself. If you want a bespoke feature in HireHop or to customise a certain workflow, or even change the way it looks, just add a plugin.
API and webhooks
Integrate with other software or make HireHop automatically do things using our very powerful and comprehensive API. You can even get Webhook triggers to an endpoint of your choice when a user does something in HireHop, notifying you what they did.
Simple job creation
Efficient job creation enabling users to quickly create jobs and build supplying lists in the layout they choose. Jobs can be assigned to customer accounts in the address book or assigned to a one-off customer that you don't want in the address book.
A project is like a folder of jobs, enabling you to group certain jobs together, which also groups tasks, notes, files, invoices, purchase orders and emails. You can create jobs directly from projects, as well as add or remove jobs from projects.
Availability to the minute and priority
Track availability to the minute throughout the system as well as take advantage of our unique priority system. For example: • Standard availability - You own 5 of an item. 3 are booked on job A and 4 are booked on job B. The system will show -2 on both jobs. • Prioritised availability - You own 5 of an item. 3 are booked on job A and subsequently 4 are booked on job B. Job A will show no shortage, whereas job B will show -2. You can re-prioritise jobs and even re-prioritise single line items between jobs. You can even have some jobs on the priority system and leave the not so important ones off of it.
Purchase orders
Purchase orders can be ringfenced to a job or affect all jobs. Create purchase orders and email them to your suppliers. Purchase orders offset shortages and allocate costs to items, allowing you to track profit and margins. Purchase orders can be synced to accounting packages.
Internal hires
Create internal hires from one depot to another. An internal hire creates a corresponding job for the supplying depot, which is updated live if the internal hire is modified.
Invoice in full, part invoice or invoice up-to a specific date for recurring billing. Create credit notes, payments and deposits if required. Aggregated invoice option to shorten invoices by invoicing by nominal code instead of all line items. Email invoices directly to your client's accounts contact from within HireHop.
Batch invoicing
Quickly invoice multiple jobs in one go through the batch invoicing module. Select the up-to date, jobs to invoice and then issue invoices for all selected jobs at once. Email all invoices to the relevant customers with the click of a button.
Payment suspensions
Easily suspend payments for whole jobs or certain items. For example, if you do not change for usage on bank holidays etc. You can even apply discounts for items only for specific days.
Profit & margins
View analysis of costs, profit and margins on jobs and projects. Includes approved, unapproved and estimated costs.
Archive a job's supplying list to capture a copy the supplying list at that moment. View all archives on the archives tab of the job. Restore from previous archives or copy parts of an archive and paste back into a job or paste into another job.
Clone & copy
Clone a job to duplicate it and copy/paste items throughout the whole system. Clone or paste as source - item prices will remain as they were on the original job. Clone or paste as current - item prices will be updated to the current stored prices in the system.
Reserving assets
Reserve specific assets that must be used on the particular job. A reserved asset cannot be scanned out onto another job that overlaps and must be used on that job. For example, out of all your 34kVa generators, one has a padlock catch on it, and that one needs to be used on a specific job.
Check in & out ✲
Powerful check in and out from any device with or without barcodes. Compatible with nearly all barcode scanners and RFID scanners. Alternatively, scan using the camera on your phone, PDA or iPad/tablet. Check out pre-prepared packages or check items directly into boxes. Check back into boxes, check in as ok, damaged, flagged, lost, etc. HireHop also adds safe-guarding by not allowing damaged stock to be checked out onto jobs. It also doesn't allow the same asset to be checked out on multiple jobs, and can have rules whether or not to allow test failures to be checked out.
Warehouse schedule
View your warehouse schedule which clearly shows what is going in and out day by day. Put this onto any screen like a smart TV using a shareable link.
Stock management
Easily create and manage your inventory recording things like weight, dimensions, replacement cost, test/service intervals, country of origin and many more, with the ability to add custom fields. Categorise your inventory with as many categories and sub-categories as you like.
Client prices
Set 3 different price groups per item, or set client specific pricing.
Packages, kits & autopulls
Packages - create set packages to add to any job with the click of a button. Link packages to job types so that they are included on a job as soon as the job is created. Autopulls - Autopulls automatically includes other items when an item is added to a job, making job creation faster. Virtual items/kits - A virtual item doesn't "exist", but is made up of a variety of other items.
Asset management
Create and manage your assets, storing barcodes and serial numbers or not. View test/service due dates, track assets in repair, transfer assets to another depot and much more.
Asset income
Track the utilisation of assets including the number and % of days out in a period, the number of jobs assets have been on, and the income they have generated.
Usage history
Stock - View all jobs a stock item has ever been allocated to. Assets - View the scanning history for every asset showing all jobs it has been scanned out and in from, with records of the user and time scanned.
Maintenance module
Use the stand-alone maintenance module on any device to view work orders assigned to the user, monitor assets requiring tests/services coming up and record repairs, tests, services and more. Allocating parts and labour eables you to track the profitability of assets.
Pre-prep boxes
Improving warehouse productivity, pre-preps allow the warehouse to pre-allocate assets in to boxes. Once created, scanning the box onto a job will automatically scan all prepped assets onto the job too. Prepped assets can be set to be temporarily or permanently inside the box. Create pre-preps directly on the check-in of a job to save even more time.
Stock checks
A quick way to ensure your stock levels and availability are correct. Verify what is supposed to be on the shelf as the system will exclude all items that are checked out or within a pre-prep. You can also mark assets as damaged, missing, etc.
Scan all in
Instead of scanning in on a job by job basis, imagine there is a pile on the warehouse floor, scan all in will automatically assign the relevant items to the appropriate jobs, saving you time and money.
Labour management
Create and manage labour items - for example, deliveres/collections, technicians or operators.
Crew allocation
Allocate resources to jobs to offset shortfalls through either one of HireHop's two resource planners as well as allocating related costs to those jobs.
Link labour to the route planner
Automatically assign deliveries, collections or any labour item to the route planner, so, when these are added to confirmed jobs, they will also appear in the route planner ready to be allocated to a vehicle.
Manage vehicles
Choose from saved vehicles or create new vehicles and allocate these vehicles to drivers to create runs for particular days. Vehicles/routes can be allocated to one driver and up to two assistants.
Plot vehicle routes
Allocate as many deliveries/collections/service runs to a vehicle as required to create your routes.
Google maps integration ✲
Visualise routes on-screen through geolocation and plot your routes to create the most efficient route on the map and estimate travel times.
Driver app
Drivers can login to the driver app to view their jobs/routes for each day. See the route directly through the driver app or open the whole route or single location in Google Maps to use sat-nav. Add notes, upload files & photos, as well as get signatures directly through the app.
Large variety of templates ✲
Print or email any of the existing templates, which include quotes, invoices, purchase orders, hire agreements, missing items reports, carnets, signature receipts and many more.
Create custom documents
Customise any of the existing HTML5 templates however you like using the inbuilt editor. Use the inbuilt WYSIWYG editor, or amend the document source that fully supports HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and external JavaScript frameworks, even when HireHop converts them to PDFs, enabling your documents to stand out and make you look highly professional.
Background stationery
Upload a pdf background, that documents can be overlayed on top of. For example, you can add a header, footer or even a background watermark easily with no technical knowledge.
Email or download high quality PDFs of your documents generated by our powerful and unique document engine. Our document engine is undoubtedly the most powerful document engine in the world, giving you the ability to produce amazing looking documents.
Share documents
Instead of printing or emailing documents, you can choose to share documents via a shareable link. This link is a live link to the document meaning that if the data or content has changed in HireHop, this will also be updated on the document visible via the link. For example, you could share a schedule of jobs document a subcontractor is assigned to, which will update live every time he sees it, which also enables you to only see what you want him to see.
E-mail integration
Send emails from your own personal email accounts directly through HireHop. HireHop integrates with Gmail, Microsoft 365, Exchange or simply enter your IMAP and SMTP settings.
Emails stored on jobs & projects
Emails sent via HireHop are automatically stored on the job or project the email is sent from, as well as in your sent folder. Drag and drop emails from your inbox onto a job to keep a record of received emails for anyone in your company to view.
Personalise your own email signature (HTML compatible).
Multiple email accounts
Each user can can send emails from multiple email addresses, so you can send emails from aas well as, all from within HireHop.
Bulk email
Send bulk emails to selected contacts.
Generate reports on salesman/project managers generated income.
Tasks, notes & emails
Set notes, tasks and reminders for contacts.
Mulitple accounting software
HireHop can syncronise with multiple different accounting and bookkeeping software, and can uniquely link to different accounting software from within one installation. So if you rent generators and water pumps, and have setup a different company for each, or have a different company for each depot, HireHop can handle this easily.
Seamlessly sync contacts, invoices, deposits, credit notes, payments and purchase orders from HireHop to Xero. Invoices that are paid in Xero will automatically be marked as paid in HireHop. When setting up the integration, HireHop will pull through your VAT/GST/tax codes, nominal codes, bank accounts and address book from Xero. HireHop is an authorised app on the Xero app store. Click here for more information.
QuickBooks online
Seamlessly sync contacts, invoices, deposits, credit notes, payments and purchase orders from HireHop to QuickBooks. Invoices that are paid in QuickBooks will automatically be marked as paid in HireHop. When setting up the integration, HireHop will pull through your VAT/GST/tax codes, nominal codes, bank accounts and address book from QuickBooks. HireHop is an authorised app on the QuickBooks app store. Click here for more information.
Sage business cloud
Seamlessly sync contacts, invoices, credit notes and payments from HireHop to Sage Business Cloud. Invoices that are paid in Sage Business Cloud can be synced back to HireHop. When setting up the integration, HireHop will pull through your VAT/GST/tax codes, nominal codes, bank accounts and address book from Sage Business Cloud. HireHop is an authorised app on the Sage marketplace. Click here for more information.
Sage 50 cloud✲
Seamlessly sync invoices, deposits, credit notes, payments and purchase orders from HireHop to Sage 50 Cloud. Invoices that are paid in Sage 50 Cloud can be synced back to HireHop. When setting up the integration, HireHop will pull through your VAT/GST/tax codes, nominal codes, bank accounts and address book from Sage 50 Cloud. HireHop is an authorised app on the Sage marketplace. Click here for more information.
CSV / Excel
Export all transactions to an easy to read Excel or CSV file, which can be used to manually import data into your accounting package.
Stripe ✲
Integrate with Stripe to take payments online. Add a payment button to invoices for your clients to easily make payments.
TeamTrack ✲
TeamTrack gives extra functionality relating to crew management and planning. The integration syncs services, users, contact, locations, job statuses and job types to TeamTrack. The TeamTrack Planner retrieves events and role information from HireHop ready for crewing. The TeamTrack profitability module integrates with HireHop supplying lists and purchase orders and combines them with internal team and transport costs from TeamTrack to give you a projected event costs and profitability estimates.
CrewBrain ✲
CrewBrain provides a feature rich crew management solution that synchronizes directly with HireHop. Information for projects & jobs are automatically sent from HireHop so that the crew scheduling can be directly managed from within CrewBrain. CrewBrain also offers many other crew related features like time recording, leave management, application forms, work instructions, risk assessments and much more.
Use your Google email account to login using the Google sign-in. Simply choose "Sign in with Google" or look out for the Google pop-up.
Microsoft 365
Use your Microsoft 365 email account to login using the Microsoft 365 sign-in. Simply choose "Sign in with Microsoft".
Use your Azure account to login to HireHop. Simply choose "Sign in with Azure".
Use your Xero account to login to HireHop. Simply choose "Sign in with Xero".
IFTTT, Zappier, Workato, Make, etc.
HireHop can integrate with various connector apps, enabling you integrate HireHop with millions of other apps.
Feed data to your website
HireHop can feed data to your website, meaning you can automatically add or remove listings without the having to get a web designer to re-write the pages.
Create a webshop ✲
Use HireHop's webshop to integrate a webshop into your website or host it on HireHop's server.
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Integrates with

HireHop seamlessly integrates with a wide range of software solutions, allowing you to streamline your workflow and enhance efficiency. Whether you’re looking to connect with popular CRM platforms, accounting software, or inventory management systems, HireHop has you covered. The flexibility of the platform ensures that it fits into your existing processes without disruption. Additionally, HireHop offers the capability to customize and build your own integrations using the robust API, providing endless possibilities for tailored solutions. This customization ensures that you can create workflows that meet the unique demands of your business, empowering your team to work smarter, not harder.

Streamline Your Equipment Rental Business with HireHop
Simplify your rental business with HireHop’s cloud-based software. Manage bookings, inventory, and invoicing all in one place. Try a free demo today!